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Single channel video, Loop. 2023

The video 'Overflow' presents a desert landscape swaying from side to side, resembling the sway of a boat on seawater. This cyclical motion consistently breaks the unchanging horizon line, eventually making a 90-degree turn, effectively splitting the screen into two halves. These shifts are accompanied by corresponding water sounds, resonating with each type of movement.


This work creates a disruption in a landscape often considered stable, unequivocal, and unchanging. It forges a connection between a permanent, stable, and prehistoric element (the image of the desert)and an element in perpetual motion (the sea), thereby casts doubt on the stability of the constant. This action alludes to the constant change that occurs in nature, whether it unfolds rapidly before our eyes or transpires over millions of years. 


The incorporation of aquatic elements into the desert landscape also suggests the existence of an ancient ocean that once covered the area where the video was captured hundreds of millions of years ago—the Ramon Crater and the Negev Desert. This water-like motion thus bridges the past with the present.


The title of the work, 'Overflow,' also evokes a connection to the experience of emotional overflow, thereby making the work an expression of this idea.


Furthermore, the work maintains a tension between still photography and video. Despite being a video work, it resembles a moving static photograph, due to the fixed and motionless nature of the depicted landscape.

© Dafna Tal 2025

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